Monday, February 13, 2012

before & after

This is a typical example of what I would do to "fix" a picture.  Sometimes I change colors and add effects (watch for my next post), but generally speaking this is what I do. . .

I usually brighten the picture a little bit, boost the saturation, brighten the eyes and whiten teeth.  Sometimes I make dark spots under the eyes a little lighter, and sometimes I remove a wrinkle or blemish here and there.  I don't like to do too much to the eyes because a person's eyes define them, and changing them too much makes them look like a different person.  The wrinkles and "bags" that people have under their eyes generally can't be removed.  I mean, I can physically do it in photoshop, but it just doesn't look right (in my opinion).  Babies have these so called "bags" under their eyes.  Also, the skin below their eyes is a little darker than their cheeks.  So that's totally normal.  When you remove all that and make the skin under the eyes look just like the rest of the cheek, it just looks goofy to me.

So if you hire me, and I tell you that I'll "fix up" a picture or whatever, this is what I'm doing.  The picture on the left is straight out of the camera.  The picture on the right has been edited just a tad.


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