Saturday, January 7, 2012

Old Glory

Here's the story behind this picture. . .

First of all, I'm very patriotic.  I've been wearing a "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" wristband thing since October of 2001.  I've had to buy a few b/c they wear out and eventually you can't read that it says that, but I don't take it off.  My Dad was in Vietnam, his Dad was in WWII. . .I'm patriotic.

My old flag was pretty worn out so my parents got me a new one for Christmas.  It's beautiful.  I always forget how awesome a brand new flag looks. . .the colors are bright, you can hear it flapping in the wind. . .it's awesome!!  So awesome that I've been wanting to take a picture of it.  I took one tonight.  I'm not sure if we have a full moon going on tonight or if it will be full tomorrow night, but it's big and bright tonight, so I composed a shot with the flag and the moon.  I wanted to get that star effect from the moon so I had to set my aperture to something small.  I started with something like 6 seconds at f/10.  That was decent but not the one.  The exposure on this shot ended up being 30 seconds at f/18.  I thought I liked it when I saw it on the camera.  Then I got it in photoshop.

WOW!!  I had quite a blast working on this one.  I did quite a bit to it--levels, a photo filter, a CoffeeShop Action (Vintage News), and lots more.  I spent about an hour on it.  So you better like it!!  I like it.


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